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Central Library and Bookmark Management

Never miss a favorite link again! Effortlessly manage and organize your favorite links with TrovePile's powerful bookmark manager. Say goodbye to scattered links and endless browser tabs. Keep all your valuable resources in one central library, accessible from anywhere, at any time.

Get more from your team’s brainpower

Unlock the true potential of teamwork with TrovePile's collaboration features. Share articles, folders, and collections with your colleagues, teams, and friends. Experience the power of a combined effort, where everyone can contribute and benefit from shared knowledge.

Tab Manager for Distraction-Free Research

Stay focused and organized during your research endeavors with TrovePile's tab manager. Group multiple open tabs based on categories, projects, or themes. Say goodbye to the chaos of tangled tabs and easily navigate through your research materials.

Spotlight the key information

Highlighting essential sections of text has never been easier. TrovePile's highlighter extension allows you to emphasize crucial information within bookmarked articles. Draw attention to key points and make important details stand out, ensuring you never miss critical information.

Efficient Categorization with Tags and Global Search

With TrovePile, find exactly what you're looking for in seconds. Assign tags to your bookmarks for efficient categorization and create a logical structure that suits your workflow. Use our powerful global search feature to quickly locate any bookmark, note, or article across your entire TrovePile library.

Streamlined Research and Note-Taking

TrovePile simplifies research by providing a seamless integration of bookmarking and note-taking. Capture important snippets, key insights, and thoughts alongside your bookmarks for easy reference. Stay organized and enhance your productivity without switching between multiple tools.

Seamless Cross-Browser Access

Access your bookmarks from different browsers without any hassle. TrovePile syncs your data across multiple browsers, ensuring a consistent and unified experience regardless of the platform you use. Switch effortlessly between devices while enjoying continuity.

A single tool for all your market research needs

If your team’s productivity gets wasted in siloed research efforts, scattered swipe files, multiple document exchanges, and endless meetings, you need to equip your team with TrovePile. This single tool eliminates the chaos, uniting your team around shared ideas, curated inspiration, making research a collaborative journey.

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Easy to switch, upgrade, or cancel at any time.

TrovePile: Organize, Collaborate, Conquer!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is TrovePile for?

For any teams that do market research or work on an idea together like product management, marketing, analytics, and design.

How long is your beta program?

We are currently in beta. If you sign up now, you can be our forever free user.

What is tab management?

How can i save notes in website?

Can I collaborate with other people without paying?

What happens if I cancel my paid plan?